What we do

We have developed AÍChemy, our AI-driven drug discovery platform, to revolutionize early-stage small molecule drug discovery
We understand the importance of discovering better and more promising molecules in drug discovery. Our cutting-edge platform uses state-of-the-art AI technology to accelerate the drug discovery process and save valuable time and resources. Here are the key features that make AÍChemy stand out:
Unmatched Accuracy
Our platform is twice as accurate as the standard tool Qvina-W and is 74% more often below an error margin of < 5Å.
In fact, in our E-coli example, AÍChemy is 11 times more accurate and selects 36% more biologically relevant molecules compared to Qvina-W.

This level of accuracy helps pharmaceutical companies identify the most promising molecules and bring them to market faster.
AÍChemy is 11 times more accurate and selects 36% more biologically relevant molecules compared to Qvina-W.
Comprehensive Data Foundation
Robust data foundation enables us to create a complete and all-encompassing perspective of disease biology.
Our machine learning models identify biomedical entities such as genes, diseases, processes, and cell types and establish relationships between them.
Through the use of machine learning, we delve into the vast and constantly expanding biomedical data landscape, including 'omics, experimental data, literature, and biological systems, to uncover new understandings of the fundamental reasons behind diseases.

Our machine learning models identify biomedical entities such as genes, diseases, processes, and cell types and establish relationships between them to comprehend their interactions within a human system.
Empowering Accurate Drug Discovery with Advanced AI Technology
AÍChemy is based on an equivariant deep probabilistic graph neural network including knowledge about geometry, biology, physics, and quantum chemistry.

This advanced technology allows us to accurately predict the efficacy and safety of potential drug candidates, providing our customers with a comprehensive understanding of their molecules' properties.
AÍChemy is based on an equivariant deep probabilistic graph neural network
Uncertainty Estimates
use uncertainty estimates to filter away molecules where confidence is low.
AÍChemy includes uncertainty estimates for all predictions, providing the ability to filter away molecules where confidence is low.

This ensures that pharmaceutical companies focus their resources on the most promising molecules, reducing the risk of costly clinical trials.
The next generation of drug discovery
This is why AÍChemy is a cutting-edge technology that accelerates the drug discovery process, saving valuable time and resources.

With unmatched accuracy, a comprehensive data foundation, an equivariant deep probabilistic graph neural network, and uncertainty estimates for all predictions, AÍChemy is the platform of choice for pharmaceutical companies looking to bring new and innovative treatments to the market.
Accelerate the drug discovery process with cutting-edge technology